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The notary

Nowadays people tend to travel throughout the world. They are interested in other cultures and other languages. In the past, travel to far-off lands mainly concerned people on expeditions who were discovering the world; today, world travellers are mostly tourists enjoying the sights and sounds of other cultures and languages.

The notary abroad

In various fields of business, we also often like to expand our activities beyond the limits of our native country. We do business with people from other countries and we may also marry people from other countries. In order to draw up and conclude a purchase contract or deed of transfer, or to officially record a marriage agreement, a notary is often needed. Although the notary may know everything about the laws in that country, the notary will not always know how to formulate this in, for example, English. We can take care of such assignments! Our translation office can meet your needs quickly and professionally.

The notary in the Netherlands

Sometimes a notary needs the support of an interpreter when the task involves making a contract or agreement or when officiating at the signing of a marriage certificate involving mixed marriages. We can provide a suitable interpreter for these important moments in life who can give support to the notary as well as the client.

The law

Recent legislation for the notarial profession has stated that, in order for things to be legally binding in a notary's office when reading and signing an official document, an interpreter must be present if one of the parties does not sufficiently understand the language of the document. The interpreter translates verbally the business-related content of the file.

Cost-effective when it comes to expenses

Brasilva deploys interpreters who are based near where the notary will have his or her offices. This results in a considerable reduction in the travelling and accommodation expenses of our interpreters.